Our responsibility

We have a responsibility to our customers and suppliers to constantly work for a better, safer and ethical production. To guide us in this important job we have our Code of Conduct which is based on ILOs conventions for human rights and EUs chemical law REACH, and EcoVadis. In 2018 our Wuxi facility was approved with the BSCI certification as well as ISO 9001:2015. At Eureka we consider the environmental impact in the production, transport, use and disposal of our products and work to reduce our life cycle footprint.

BSIF Compliance

This company undertakes to supply only safety equipment and/or related services that fully comply with the standards and regulations and claims made relating to those products and/or related services. Where appropriate, this company will maintain up to date technical files and associated documentation to ensure that regulatory compliance information can be supplied upon request. Where products are sourced from external organisations which hold technical files relating to the products being offered, this company will request confirmation that these files are current, complete, contain appropriate conformity assessment information and, where relevant, regulatory compliance certificates and will take all necessary steps to confirm the validity of the compliance documentation held by that external supplier in respect of the products being sourced.

Where services are provided related to safety equipment sourced from external organisations, this company will maintain approval from the manufacturer that the services provided are assessed and approved by the external organisation.


Sustainability Actions

Introduction / Purpose

The environmental sustainability action is Y. Berger’s declaration of current efforts and future planning.

Berger & Co.:

  • Has moved to a newly built facility. The new facility has been built with high focus on the reduction of energy consumption. Listed below are the technologies that have been used:
      • Heat pumps are utilized for cooling during the summer months as well heating (biofuel is engaged when additional heat needed)
      • Heating and cooling feed accumulator tanks that allow electricity to be saved during peak hours.
      • No windows facing south to reduce cooling need during warm summer months.
  • Has installed renewable energy sources at the new Headquarters as follows:
      • 32kW solar panels installed (estimated annual production of 30000kWh)
      • Biofuel of wood pellets and logs is main source of winter heating.
  • Has set aside 50% of the land at the new Headquarters to boost biodiversity by the planting of flower meadows, multi species forest edge zones, creating a small pond, partial use of green roofs, as well as made special arrangements for bees and much more.
  • Handles its office waste by recycling or incineration at a power station.
  • Offers free electricity for the employee’s electric vehicles.
  • Salesmen travel with SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) that employ a carbon offset.
  • Works in every occasion towards a sustainable planet and a better environment for all of us.
  • Follows and aims to exceed applicable laws within the sustainable environmental work.
  • Has signed Code of Conducts regarding Social compliance and chemical safety with all suppliers.
  • Strives to influence and educate the suppliers and sub-suppliers to maintain an active sustainable and environmental work.


R&D and Design

From idea to product, Y. Berger & Co.:

  • Invests greatly in the development of new more energy efficient production.
  • Has installed heat pumps in the Wuxi, China factory. Heat pumps provide 20% of the energy for production.
  • Always secures that the product is suitable and well designed to endure long practical use of what it is designed for.
  • In the design phase, considers materials and design with regards to hazardous chemicals and the ecological footprint from a Life Cycle perspective. This design phase is followed up by a risk analysis of all products.
  • Uses recycled material whenever possible. Currently all knitted products contain 1% ocean bound recycled polyester.
  • Minimizes the use of cotton in our products.
  • Strives to design products that enable recycling.
  • Works closely with suppliers and sub-suppliers to discuss process chemicals as well as chemicals in final product.
  • Has an active role in the MinShed R&D program with the focus of finding solutions for reduction of micro plastics in textiles.
  • Has been the project leader for Mistra Innovation R&D program TexBar, with high focus on finding more sustainable and environmental textile barriers.
  • Creates and enforces restriction lists towards suppliers and sub-suppliers. The restrictions aim to be higher compared with the regulation REACH and follow the upcoming restrictions.
  • Tests for unintended pollutants. Our aim is to control the content of harmful substances.

Berger is a member of The Chemical group in Sweden. This group helps to provide access to information about upcoming restrictions within REACH, sharing guidelines for textile processes and the risk within each product segment.




Berger & Co.:

  • Aims to use the best available technology in production that minimize water and energy consumption.
  • Manufactures its own products and is therefore in control of every detail of the product.
  • Aims to recycle the chemicals used when possible.
  • Minimizes and sorts wastage to secure a longer life cycle.
  • Gives samples and products no longer in use to second hand or recycle unit.
  • Incorporates environmental sustainability objectives when we build, construct, and renovate facilities.
  • Production facillity is BSCI social complian certified.


Packaging and Logistics

Berger & Co.:

  • Requests greenhouse gas emission reports from all our freight forwarders.
  • Is working towards a consolidated company report for greenhouse gas emission from all transportation.
  • Plans the logistics for each product according to warehouse locations in Gothenburg, Sweden; Ohio, USA; Johannesburg, South Africa; and Wuxi, China.
  • Carefully chooses the most suitable logistic solution for each transaction regarding environmental impact, cost, delivery time, and urgency.
  • Optimizes weight and volume for transportation.
  • Has removed 99% of the plastic in the packaging. The remaining 1% is biodegradable PE in the pins that attach glove pairs together.
  • FSC certified carton raw-material sourcing


Human Resources

Berger & Co.:

  • Trains employees to make sure every employee is aware of the above statements.
  • Raises company Know How of sustainability.
  • Helps employees to create a workplace where responsibility for the environmental sustainability is accomplished at work as well as at home.
  • Discusses environmental sustainability during meetings with suppliers, customers, and other business partners of the company.


Eureka Safety: Introduction